a reprieve from the headlines

The POST is a quick reminder of the gloriousness of victory found in Jesus Christ.  Posts are published every Tuesday and Wednesday in the morning.  Statements are either scriptural, sentiments, prophetic and/or thoughtful.  Each statement is meant to tantalize thought and provoke insight into a better way of living.  

Post 'EM UP

Keepin on Goin on

Do you have a thought, a statement or a profound question - perhaps you would like to submit.  To see more posts click below

'REVIVE' IS just what it says IT IS! 

REVIVE to a brand new start 

The Mid Week Twist

Thursday POPoff

Thursday comes around and it's time to flood the energy and release the vibe of hyped up positivity.  Subjects such as stress, purpose, embarrassment, worry and other life situations are tackled with an under lying message that breeds hope. 


PPOW & Monday Morning Prayer

REVIVE Nation currently operates a series called ‘A Monday Morning Prayer’.   A 3 - 4  minute prayer is prerecorded and distributed every Monday morning through our social media channels.  Morning prayer serves as a precursor for our upcoming future endeavor.

PPOW - standing for powerful prayer on wings will serve as a conduit between those needing live prayer immediately.  It will have an optional interactive phase built within the system for listeners to express themselves as well.  PPOW will contain a host of features allowing the listener to not only express but also receive referrals to nearby social service agencies and churches.  To be a part of this great venture send us an email stating your interest.